If you're a fan of "Back To The Future" (who born in the 80's isn't?) then you remember these kicks from part 2. Marty Kurat designed replicas of the famous sneakers....

Shoes play a very important role in defining one’s luxury lifestyle. That’s why an affluent shoe collector, Mark Kurat, commissioned a professional shoemaker to design a pair of shoes that would leave onlookers green with envy. The commissioned “Back to the Future” sneakers costing $4,000 are the result of this mania. The one of a kind, custom-made sneakers are the replica of shoes Marty McFly wore in “Back to the Future: II.” The shoemaker took six months to get the pair ready. The shoes are another valuable addition to his collection of 500 pairs of sneakers. In an interview with SneakerFreaker magazine, the McFly owner said that the pair is a copy of the original one, but he is happy with the shoemaker’s skills, as he has made them as real as the movie sneakers. In all honesty, Mark just did it!
Via: CrunchGear/SneakerFreaker